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Wife – Put Your Wife First and See What Happens

Inventory your life - Is it about you, or her?

So, which is it – “me, me, me, and more, more, more” – OR – (speaking of your wife) “you, you, you, your, and your, your”? Maybe a little bit of each? The first approach is self-centered and points inward – to you. The latter suggests you value first the well-being of your wife, and points outward. Maybe it takes years or decades to learn this lesson about what it really takes to be very happy in marriage, and in life generally. But hopefully you already know this, if you’re fortunate enough to be married. Maybe you already make the happiness of your wife the greatest purpose of your life. If so, you are most happy, and you know it. Otherwise, you may be feeling pretty comfortable and too well-acquainted with the ‘me and more’ approach, rather than be concerned about the ‘you and your’ approach in favor of your wife. But maybe your wife has been patiently enduring far too long with your ‘me and more’ approach; is that possible? Yes, “it’s time for a change”, you say, even if you feel like you’re not wired for something like that. Maybe men really do act like animals. Hopefully not, but they can be really slow learners, that’s for sure. Where do you fit; which approach describes you today? Do you think you can change? There’s nothing that says you can’t be gentle, humble, respectful, and kind.

Real joy and happiness

Tunabudget believes that the greatest joy and satisfaction in life comes when you put your wife first in your life, and you become gentle, humble, respectful, and kind. Interestingly, your budget will likely become even more healthy when you give yourself to your wife’s happiness. There are countless opportunities every day, all around you to focus your time and attention on the needs and wants of your wife. If you say that you’re broke, how about a genuine smile? A sincere “good morning”? A willing “let me get the door for you”? A, “no, you first, please”? A kind word or two? An expression of love? Doing the dishes? Making a royal bath? The list is endless.

Being married is the number one priority - period

Society today begs to differ with you putting your wife ahead of yourself. In fact, too many men are not even in a position to know what this even means, as they have yet to be married, and too many women desire to be happily married. There should be nothing that can be in the way of them finding spouses to marry; Tunabudget believes that being happily married should be a man’s and a woman’s number one priority in their life above all other considerations – job, money, career, transportation, education, etc. Frankly, putting one’s spouse first will come as part of a happy marriage, but marriage should be and remain as one’s top priority – end of story. Your spouse is the most important individual in the world and should be the one you treat the best, to see to their well-being in all things, especially one’s wife.

Free nuclear-fusion happiness experiment

Can you imagine actually putting your wife before yourself? What does this really mean? You might say “well, my wife doesn’t treat me that way so I’m not going to…”. Baloney. Get over it, right? Who cares? So-what if your wife is not putting you first? Do you really have to be first anyway? Who do you think you are? Do you want to change all this nonsense and the contention that comes with it? But wait, do you have any idea of what can happen, and what will happen when you put her happiness first? Do you really have a clue? Have you ever heard of nuclear-fusion happiness?

Can you suck it up for a while and try a free nuclear-fusion happiness experiment? Next time you see your wife, maybe you could just try something different, like something from the list below. And, if your wife won’t let you try or otherwise accept these things, well then, you are on your own to come up with some better ideas. However, these ideas should give you a sense of putting her first – you get the idea. For anyone who might believe in a ‘hereafter’, remember the things that last forever are ‘free’ like the list below; they won’t hurt your budget at all. These are the things you do get to take with you when you die, and everything else that costs you money stays here when you die.

  • Pick her up off her feet and swirl her around when you first see her after work

  • Look her in the eyes and tell her she is the most beautiful girl in the world – often

  • Tell her every day that you love her with ‘all your heart’

  • Tell her that the purpose of your existence is to make her happy

  • Tell her ‘thank you’ for everything she does for you, and how much you appreciate her

  • Treat her with tremendous respect and love by:

  • Opening the car door for her, regardless of how old you are

  • Make sure there are fresh flowers on the kitchen bar all the time

  • Leave love notes where she’ll see them

  • Make her a really nice and clean bath, with a candle and lights down, a fresh towel, her favorite perfume in the air

  • Get ready for this one: Ask her, in all seriousness, how you can be a better husband, and father; be sure to repeat it back so there’s real communication – shock her; write it down

  • Actually help with the so-called household chores, whatever it is she regularly does

  • Suggest going on a walk together; no phones, no headphones, holding hands

  • Never, ever, ever, ever, ever again raise your voice with her – ever

  • Never, ever, ever, ever, ever swear or say anything mean or cruel to her – ever

  • Never, ever, ever, ever, ever make fun of, or embarrass her – ever

  • When you step out of bounds: Apologize. Often. For everything. And then some. Mean It – repeat

  • Spend time together as often as possible, every day

  • Go on little trips and vacations together, and as a family too

  • Treat her like she’s your ‘forever’ sweetheart and look for every opportunity to pamper her

  • If she doesn’t mind her feet being rubbed, put a bottle of lotion in bed with you (in between the pillows), and make sure she gets a ‘power foot rub’ each night before she goes to bed

  • If you practice religion that has prayer in it, pray together, and express gratitude to have her at your side

Until she knows that she’s the most loved woman in the world

Just always remember that she is your companion, and forever sweetheart. Put her first; do whatever it takes so she clearly knows she is precious to you, until she knows that she’s the most loved woman in the world. How will that affect your budget? When two people are like “one”, where they are all in for each other, there’s nothing they can’t do – together. And the kids? How do you think they’ll feel when they see your example? The feelings of love can literally be felt and your family will prosper in many ways. Get it? 99% of this is free, too. And it can start right now, tonight, so give this nuclear-fusion happiness experiment a try, okay? Oh yes; your financial well-being will likely improve very quickly, too.


  • Putting aside all the troubles in life, are you tired of the ‘fight’ and could you use a real jolt of nuclear-fusion happiness?

  • In your opinion, can you think of a better place to find the greatest happiness than with your wife?

  • What are you willing to do to get it; will you try the experiment?

  • What do you think will happen to your financial well-being as a couple when your marriage is filled with happiness and oneness?

  • Can you think of a faster and less expensive way to become very happy than to put your wife ahead of you?

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